Project & Objectives
The EASY GOV Project – Laboratory Management Platform, coordinated by the University of Minho, was approved under the Strategic Partnerships Action of the Erasmus + Programme, in response to the COVID-19 situation and obtained EU funding of €262,040.00. The project has as partners the institutions: Universita Degli Studi Di Siena (Italy), University of Thessaly / Panepistimo Thessalia (Greece), Rigas Stradina Universitate (Latvia) and New Consulting – Sistemas de Informação, Lda (Portugal).
The project EASY GOV will develop a simplified, assertive and innovative laboratory management platform, based on common guidelines to motivate and increase the efficiency of human resources and reduce operation cost within the institutions.
The project will improve online, distance and mixed learning.
This web-platform will help the management of all laboratorial needs and facilities such as laboratory equipment, chemicals, biological resources, laboratory wastes, laboratory material, laboratory spaces, services, laboratory safety and training taking into account the innovative practices to be adopted face to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The platform will promote the implementation and development in institutions of an increased security culture.
The exchange of good laboratory management practices between partners at international level is enriching for the project, as it allows the sharing of experiences and the confrontation of ideas, practices and methods to promote the exchange of good laboratory practices to be adopted face to COVID-19 pandemic.