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The EASY GOV Project – Laboratory Management Platform, coordinated by the University of Minho, was approved under the Strategic Partnerships Action of the Erasmus + Programme, in response to the COVID-19 situation and obtained EU funding of €262,040.00. The project has as partners the institutions: Universita Degli Studi Di Siena (Italy), University of Thessaly / Panepistimo Thessalia (Greece), Rigas Stradinð University (Latvia) and New Consulting – Sistemas de Informação, Lda (Portugal).

EASY GOV aims to use the potential of Europe’s lab staff originating from higher education’s institutes , in order to exchange and transfer knowledge and know-how of good laboratory management practices between partners, by the creation and development of a network that will provide opportunities for cooperation among stakeholders, in order to foster employability and personal development.

The main objective of EASY GOV is to offer a simplified, assertive and innovative laboratory management platform in order to increase the efficiency of human resources and reduce operation cost within the institutions.

The project will improve online, distance and mixed learning.

This web-platform will help the management of all laboratorial needs and facilities .

The list of tasks will be the following:

Laboratory Equipment Management– Task Leader /Greek Partner/University of Thessaly

Chemicals Managements– Task Leader/Italian Partner/ University of Siena

Management of Biological Resources- Task Leader/Latvian Partner/ University of Riga

Laboratory Waste Management- Task Leader/Portuguese Partner2/ University of Minho

Laboratory Material Management– Task Leader /Greek Partner/University of Thessaly

Laboratory Spaces Management– Task Leader/Portuguese Partner2/ University of Minho

Service Management– Task Leader/Portuguese Partner2/ University of Minho

Laboratory Safety Management – Task Leader/Italian Partner/ University of Siena

Training Management – Task Leader/Latvian Partner/ University of Riga

Demo Platform Guide- Task Leader/Portuguese Partner1/ New Consulting

The platform will promote the implementation and development in institutions of an increased security culture.

The exchange of good laboratory management practices between partners at international level is enriching for the project, as it allows the sharing of experiences and the confrontation of ideas, practices and methods to promote the exchange of good laboratory practices to be adopted face to COVID-19 pandemic.

Specific objectives
  • to promote an innovative practice in a digital era, capable of meeting expectations/needs and experiences in a European/international context face to COVID-19 pandemic
  • to create an easy, effective and efficient management tool at the level of institutions with laboratory facilities
  • to promote internationalization, in the sense that other institutions will have access to the results
  • to promote transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications
  • to contribute to organizational modernization
  • Develop a digital tool that allows an easy, effective and efficient management of laboratory facilities, particularly relevant in the context of the COVID19 pandemic
  • Evaluate the functionality and usability tests
  • Prepare of a Demo Guide to be exemplified the way the EASY GOV platform works
  • Pilot test and evaluate the EASY GOV platform with about fifty participants from each partner university (department/centres directors, teachers, lab technicians and researchers), who work in laboratories
  • Implement and use a collaborative work platform to centralize the documentation
  • Disseminate the project’s results to the academia