Transnational projects promote interconnectivity between people. In the case of the Erasmus+ they complement ideas and approaches in education and/or in research programmes, they promote innovation and they have a European added value. EASY GOV as an EU project of the ERASMUS+ family enhances this concept. Overall, opportunities, challenges and aspects as development phase, dissemination, analysis and project management issues may vary from country to country and therefore it is considered crucial to develop the proposed project in a transnational environment, with view to exploring as much as possible. The diversity of the partnership based on its origin creates opportunities and develop equal potentials for providing a harmonious and balanced coexistence and progress.
More specifically, during the course of the project 4 Transnational Project Meetings (TPM) will take place. TPMs will be organized for project implementation and coordination purposes. The main goal of the TPM will be to plan ahead, monitor the progress and resolve technical/financial issues
1st Transnational Project Meeting (TPM): Kick-Off Meeting
The kickoff meeting of EASY GOV was successfully completed by videoconference on the platform on the 30th of March 2021.
All partners participated in the KoM . The main goal of the Kick-off Meeting was that the project details to be thoroughly discussed in order for partners to reach a common understanding about its implementation specificities and also make sure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities, regarding the project. Additionally the synthesis of the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) that is responsible for the internal evaluation was decided and also the Dissemination Committee of the project. The Project Management issues and preparation for the initiation of the Intellectual Output were thoroughly discussed among the partnership.

2nd Transnational Meeting
The 2nd Transnational Meeting was successfully completed under virtual hosting of the University of Minho by videoconference on the platform on 29/10/2021. Due to Covid-19 pandemic in fact, the meeting had to be held on a distance , as the 1nd Transnational Meeting had. The meeting was attended by representatives from all partners. The project’s progress was evaluated and future steps were planned and decided. More specifically all the partners have made their proposals (the basic task path) for the lab management modules which they leading for and now all the partners have to validate the proposals for the intellectual outputs in order the New Consulting begin the development of the lab management modules in the platform.
Issues regarding the Sustainability and Exploitation Plan and the Project Management have been clarified among the partners. Also the dissemination plan via website and social media is in action. An EASY GOV infographic and EASY GOV dissemination info have been created and presented. Despite meeting in presence has not been possible, the group has worked proficiently and all members were satisfied.
3rd Transnational Meeting - Siena University
The 3rd Transnational meeting was successfully completed at the University of Siena in Italy on 23th of September 2022. The meeting was attended by representatives from all partners. The project’s progress was evaluated, and future steps were planned and decided. More specifically, the implementation (2nd phase) of the project will be ready until the end of September and all partners are expected to test the platform (3rd phase) in October. The New Consulting make a commitment to prepare a demo guide in October/November with the participation of all partners.
At the beginning of the meeting there was a warm welcome from the Director Prof. Agnese Magnani of the Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy of the University of Siena .
Moreover, Dr Annalisa Santucci presented the Siena University and its history as an ideal territory for Life Sciences and research.
Also, Dr Sandra Gemma presented the medical chemistry perspectives on antimicrobial resistance.
Dr Elena Petricci presented the luxury of sustainability: a love affair of woolen bubbles and othe scraps.
Dr Rebecca Pogni presented the bioplastics as a sustainable future for plastic
Dr Anna Maria Oliva presented a vitual and augmented reality, innovative technologies for new education in Life sciences laboratories
Dr Manuela Benvenuti presented the critical job of a lab manager and the importance of tracking in research management
Dr Cristina Ribeiro presented the EASYGOV Project and Engº Luís Rodrigues talked about the “State of the Art” of the EASYGOV Platform.